Tuesday, January 23, 2007


well there is this girl called diane from 3H and she is totally a bitch, i mean, she WAS and IS mean, but she is meaner when she put on braces aka this 2007 new yr. i dunno why maybe her new year resolutions is to like be meaner and be in the popular crowd or something.
well she has started being mean already last year, to me and most of the girls, making alooo00o0o0ot off girls hate her. and towards the end of the year she started to hang out with the oh-so-popular crowd, aka JA, aka Jovy,Julianne,Mandas Chong and Teo and Jasmin and oh! a sidekick Adaleen who succeeded in being popular altho not part of the JA YET.
anw diane is so being into them, she is some how like following their every actions,hobbies and friends.
well, diane has her own clique, but has described them as 'not true friends' as an excuse to be near the JA and stuff. BAH!!
and somehow she copied their stuff like...
#1 jasmin and amanda teo likes the colour orange. like the person who follows crowds easily [i was once 'best friends' with her...she immediately changed her msn font to orange, and every marker pen...hw have to be done in orange ink, no matter whether print or write. fuck rite? carn she choose her own colours to like? ornage is definately she copying one. she doesnt like orange b4.
#2 actions also. manda and the girls kip using 'gosh!!' like everytime, coz they 'jiak kan tan' one wad, then always sae 'gosh~~~' lidat. then diane, as the main sms-er for our trg times and stuff, went like sms-ing 'tmr got trg from 8-12...GOSH!'
WTF? it's like so fake la!! she mustave used that GOSH at the last part coz she was thinking her language use coz she was sending to at least 30+ ppl so i guess she put that gosh in order to impersonate the JA and hence be popular. i mean even I can tell that she was so copying the JA la! at least find some language herself..i used to sae 'that was totally bizzar0 !' to bizzare things, and she lyk started copying...
i am so pissed with her.
#3 b4 netball we were supposed to hand up some form to cha, then coz not evrione was here yet and cha wanna go off, then manda teo searched Fiona's bag for the form. i find this ok, but diane find it a lil evading ppl's privacy.so she went lyk 'eh you juz search ppl's bag lidat huh' [big deal lah diane] her tone was lyk impress lidat. 'yeah, y not? have to pass up liao' manda sed.

then after manda had gone, rebecca, a non-popular she can bully person came and put down her bag, then diane went to open her bag and search, taking her ws, messing it up, taking her phone,totally diff from wad amanda was doing. when asked wad she was doing, she sed 'i wanna see!!!!!'
i was the onli witness to tis. i felt nauseas that somehow could actually resort to this to b popular. the JA sometimes treated her lyk a slave and she doesn't mind. HA!

anw back to e topic of her 'emo-ing' when she doesn't need to. she has been mean at netball, when me and my friends lyk HI! to her she didnt reply, ever since she started braces. she WAS mean b4, but now meaner. she doesn't kip secrets and stuff. anw apart from being DAO to us, she was totally mean to the juniors lah. when Melissa asked her[she vice-captain altho i didnt want her to b but when evrione sed her i thot she was happy she achieved her target.{oh wait! she mite b mean coz she was vc leh!}] 'wher are the bibs diane we no bibs' diane juz snapped back 'then your problem lah' which coz melissa to turn back. i mean wads HER PROBLEM instead? vice-captain doesnt snap back lidat. she's trying to be someone she isnt.
during julianne's departure to america, she wanted to go to the airport too. but she went lyk blaming her father that she cannot go. you know wad? BLAME YOUR ASS DIANE. coz you shd thank ur dad. if not for him, you wouldn't have gotten 1st in class coz you will miss that el test that pulled the others down. and you DIDNT DARE. i tell you you DIDNT DARE. and you wouldnt dare. and you never would DARE. you are juz a kuai kia hu tries to be bad/cool.
i scold vulgar, you copy. you wanna challeng me. i tell you once vulgar comes outta my mouth, it will never stop, it's like bullets. DT was even impressed/scared. so wanna challeng? fuck your asshole instead.
back to the topic on meaness, when i went home with ball cage keys that day, i seriously didnt wanna go serious. netball topic post later date. anw when she called and sed she wanted the ball keys, she went lyk'we want it now!!!' and i realised i HAD to go.true enough, she called again,now almost screaming 'come quickly! i want the vall key NOW! we want the balls NOW! you come NOW!' [obniously mimicking the seniors coz i heard that b4]
or 'oh, my stomach pain dun wanna go liao *slams*'
but i carn? can i? will post more bout CCA points...
anw during that trg, we were told to choose to go watch the sec 2 play east-zone today or go trg as usual.
i wanted to go watch so i told diane then she told me she wanna train.coz got sec ones and she wanted to trrain sec ones.
then i went lyk 'i tink can bring the sec ones go watch the match wad...last tym we oso'
then she went meanie'siao sec one go for wad i dun tink they wanna go one lah'
then i went' will one. rmb we sec one?'
when asked hu wanna go watch and stuff, me, manda, [aiyah all the JA] ,most of the seniors wanna watch. and then when pointed to each person each person have to sae their decision, i went in my mind 'aiyah diane sure choose watch one lah she so easily influence...' and TRUE ENOUGH, she sed watch! ha! why let ppl control your life when you can control on your own?
and then later when alot of seniors change their minds she changed hers as well. double HA!

GOOD NEWS for people who love me, todat ms chan made an announcement meeting sec ones, asking them hu wanna watch the east zone match. and guess wad? most of them going.
*pathetic voice* 'no lah the sec ones dun wanna go watch one lah'..shit lah dun wanna go..now all wanna go. I WIN!
and then still sae wanna train. ms chan decided it was compulsary for all of us to go watch. who made the right descion now huh? I WIN!

and my bah BAH bah-ness she oso copy -_-

no wonder she likes cat so much. copy me with my obsession with hamsters.
oh kelly likes hamster so much everyone's giving her attention to her animals she must have thoughti must choose a favourite animal too!. ah cat lor CAT! I LOVE CATS!!
and so...she set her friendster acc as a cat photo in front. BAH!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

fuck,i changed into this to lyk c whether the blog got toolbar anot. and guess wad? NO! no toolbar wadsoeva!!